Induction Week Plan

The induction week aims to introduce students to the core areas of the MAIPR programme in conjunction with a student-led keyword and blog exercise involving both Amsterdam and Warwick Universities. Introductory lectures by staff members from the consortium will provide a path into discussing and assessing the key terms of the programme.
  • Introductory lectures by staff members from Warwick and Amsterdam
  • Student inputs, group work and collaboration across locations
  • Mind map exercise
  • Creative presentations
  • Skype meetings in the evenings on an informal basis

  • You will receive a mail inviting you to register on the blog. Please do so and create your blogger profile page by Friday 24 Sep. Please also mention a Skype ID on the profile page, where you may be contacted for individual chats.
  • Think of a keyword or an important concept in any language that relates to the field of international performance research. Prepare a very short (5 minute) oral introduction/explication of this keyword for your co-students on Monday 27.09. The keyword may be related to any of the preparatory readings, or a culturally specific, controversial term but in any case, it should serve as a trigger for reflection, discussion and creative exploration. You may also bring any audiovisual material or physical objects that relate directly to your keyword.

Blog etiquette:
  • Please make sure your comments and posts are respectful towards others and constructive, even if critical. Please refrain from discriminatory, personalised remarks.
  • Posts and comments should be restricted to the educational aims of the induction week.
  • For personal discussions and interactions please use skype.
  • Mention sources when citing or referring to other sites or published material.
  • Posts and comments will not be screened or edited, unless they do not adhere to the blog etiquette.
  • Label your comments and posts thematically, so they can be searched. Where appropriate, use existing labels.

*** Amsterdam schedule follows Amsterdam local time, Warwick schedule UK time (1 hour behind)
Mon 27.09.          
Amsterdam 10AM, Room 22B, ND

10am-12 noon
Location: Teaching Grid, The Library
(with S. Jestrovic, M. Gluhovic, T. White, L. Mullard)
General introductions
Introductory video of Warwick/ Amsterdam/ Tampere

Keyword exercise
Divide in 3 groups
Each sub-group has to come up with one keyword and post it by midnight to the blog. (total 6 postings!)
Each post should carry a brief (100 word) explanation of the keyword with additional images or audiovisual attachments.
Tag your post with “keyword” and group W1, W2, W3, A1, A2, A3

Tue 28.09.
Amsterdam 10AM, Room 22B, ND

Teaching Grid

Warwick 2-5pm
(with M. Gluhovic)
Keyword exercise – Mind maps
Brief discussion locally on keyword process so far
Instructions on mind maps

Keywords have been exchanged between Warwick and Amsterdam groups and now they work on mind maps for each other. Each group prepares a mindmap on their keyword (total 6 mindmaps) which they post (scan and upload) as a response to the keyword on the blog.
For example, Warwick group 1 works on the mind map for the Amsterdam group 1 keyword and vice versa.
Mind maps should be exchanged among the Warwick-Amsterdam groups by midnight.

The mindmap should indicate the multi-faceted responses to a particular keyword and all the associations it generates. Please label the mindmap appropriately and make it as legible as possible.

2-5pm, Induction/Orientation to Humanities Studio 2 with a technician Ian O’Donoghue (  Sign up on Monday for slots.

Wed 29.09.

Amsterdam 10AM, Room 22B, ND

Teaching Grid
(with S. Jestrovic)

Warwick 10am-12noon
(with S. Jestrovic)
Keyword exercise – non-discursive response

Meeting with groups locally, brief discussion, instructions for the next part of the exercise.

Each Amsterdam and Warwick group has got its keyword back in the form of a mind-map that the partner group has charted out. The task is to create a response to the mind map through non-discursive means. The responses could include images, videos, songs, poetry, performative gestures of some kind, news footage, non-verbal strategies, etc. So there can be text of some sort that links with the mind map associatively, but not in a form of commentary or analytical writing.

The responses should be posted to the blog by midnight.

10.00-12:00, the Seminar Room on Floor 2 of the Main Library: Library induction with the theatre librarian Richard Perkins ( ) [info about finding basic material on the catalogue, access to resources online, how to find good quality articles etc.]

Thu 30.09
Amsterdam 10AM, Room 22B, ND

Teaching Grid
(with T. White)
Keyword exercise — preparing presentations for the Friday showcase

Each group works locally on one keyword (either the one they proposed or the one they responded to) drawing from all the material gathered and brainstormed during the week (mind-maps, responses, local discussions, Skype chats, etc.) to prepare a presentation for Friday, the last day of the induction. The presentation should be maximum 10 minutes long and it can take any form —from giving an academic paper to making a short performance. It can also combine narrative, visual, performative, audio and other means. The only stipulation is that the presentation must be made accessible to co-students in Amsterdam and Warwick via the blog or youtube etc. It can include elements from non-discursive response posting of Wednesday but must not be identical with this.

The presentation needs to be posted to the blog by midnight.
Fri 01.10.
Amsterdam 12-14 hrs, Room 22B, ND

Teaching Grid
(with Reinelt, Jestrovic, White, Haedicke, and Gluhovic)

 Presentations of all 6 group work + discussion/questions (locally)
13h: skype connection to Warwick: live discussions and questions
Evening: dinner together!

Janelle’s lecture on Internationalism (live) + followed by discussion
Susan Haedicke will come to give you an assignment that you will be expected to complete in preparation for the first workshop with her on Friday 8 Oct.

Presentations of all 6 group work + discussion/questions (locally)
12h: Skype connection to Amsterdam: live discussion and questions

Before Mon 4.10.
Post group photo on blog and any final evaluative comments and thoughts