Reading List

These essays and chapters will prepare you more specifically for the MAIPR course and will be central to your study. You will be expected to have read and absorbed them by the time of the course Induction (September 27-October 1)

All these readings are available as scanned files on the password-protected MAIPR website:

Balme, Christopher. The Cambridge Campanion to Theatre Studies. Cambridge UP 2008. Introduction and Section on Performance Analysis, pp. 1-12; pp 132-146.

Bharucha, Rustom. Theatre and the World. Routledge 2993. Introduction and Chapters 1 and 2; pp. 1-10; pp. 13-41; pp. 42-53.

Gilbert, Helen and Jacqueline Lo. ‘Introduction: Performing Cosmopolitics’, in Performance and Cosmopolitics: Cross-Cultural Transactions in Australasia . Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, 1-22.

Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o. ‘Enactments of Power: The Politics of Performance Space’, in Penpoints, Gunpoints and Dreams. Towards a Critical Theory of the Arts and the State in Africa. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998, 37-69.

Reinelt, J. and Roach, J. Selections from Critical Theory and Performance, 2nd edition. University of Michigan Press, 2008.
· Introduction to Postcolonial Studies 67-70.
· Introduction to Critical Race Theory 135-140.
· Introduction to Gender and Sexualities 311-316.

Schechner, Richard. ‘What is Performance?’ and ‘What is Performance Studies?’ in Performance Studies: An Introduction. Routledge 2002, pp. 1-21, and pp. 22-44.

Smiers, Joost. Arts Under Pressure: promoting cultural diversity in the age of globalization. Zed, 2005, Introduction. Pp. 1-21.

Taylor, Diana. The Archive and the Repertoire: Performing Cultural Memory in the Americas. Duke University Press, 2003, chapter one; pp. xii-xx; pp. 1-52 and notes.

Zarrilli, P. et al. Selections from Theatre Histories: An Introduction . Routledge 2006.
· Part 1: Performance and Theatre in oral and written cultures before 1600, Introduction, 3-15.
· Part 2: Theatre and Print cultures, 1500-1900. introduction, 151-176
· Part 3: Theatre in modern media cultures 1850-1970, introduction, 281-300
· Part 4: Theatre and performance in the age of global coomunication, 1950-present, introduction 409-424.